Thank you for using TW.

This time, TW will have a MEMBER'S STAGE.
We offer even more value-for-money services to our customers.
By collecting points, you can now enjoy great savings on products purchased during the applicable period.

■Regarding point allocation in the first year ・For the first year only, your rank from September 2024 to the end of December 2024 will be calculated based on the purchase amount from December 2023 to the end of August 2024.
The following points will be awarded in the first year:

・S/A rank・・・3000 points awarded ・B rank・・・2000 points awarded ・C rank・・・1000 points awarded

■Point allocation rate (from the first year onwards)
・You will be awarded the following points according to your membership rank.

■About member rank stages: Your stage will be determined on January 1st based on the total purchase amount (tax included) made over the year from January 1st to the end of December of the previous year.
*Membership ranks are updated at the beginning of January each year.
・You can check your current membership stage and annual purchase amount on your My Page.

- If you purchase from the official online store, the "purchase date" will be the date of your order.

■About annual purchase amount ・The annual purchase amount will be calculated based on the purchase amount (tax included) made at the TW official online store from January 1st to the end of December of the previous year.
・Even if you exceed the annual purchase amount for each stage during the year, your stage will not be renewed.

・The purchase price will be the product price (tax included).
・The price of products purchased using points (tax included) will also be included in the "purchase amount."